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Our Story

Watch this four minute video to see the "WHY" behind Circle K Angus Farm.

In 2005 our desire for cleaner, healthier foods launched us into raising our own meat and produce for ourselves and other family members. Word of mouth traveled fast and we began selling little by little to the public as Circle K Angus Farm, A Difference You Can Taste.
In 2011, we began a journey that would forever alter our lives. Cancer. Through that journey of receiving the dreaded cancer diagnosis, multiple surgeries, and chemo treatments that followed, we became more educated and realized the tremendous health benefits of consuming organic, nutrient dense (not depleted), whole foods (not processed), that our bodies must have to function properly. That led us to make some changes to our practices and principles both on the farm and in our day to day living. It is our belief that healthy food begins with healthy soil. This is the main reason for our holistic organic practices.
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The number one priority on our farm is to be a good steward of this amazing creation God has given us. We strive to make a difference by managing our soil, forages, and animals in a holistic, regenerative manner. The results are cleaner and healthier air, water, animals, and ultimately people. The changes we made throughout the cancer journey have led us to two of our greatest passions for the future... producing high quality, nutrient dense beef and pork by increasing our soil health and biology and educating people on the importance of giving our bodies the most valuable nutrients possible. Not all foods are created equal. We would love to support and serve you along this journey as you become a part of the Circle K Angus Farm family.

9615 Penny Ln.
Ozark, AR 72949
(870) 917-8178 C

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